De vrouw in de Islamitische geschiedenis

De vrouw in de Islamitische geschiedenis

mei 25, 2023

Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

The world is currently going through a lot of unpleasant events, however it’s still good to get our minds off of things. Therefore, we would Iike to invite you to our next halaqa! The topic of this halaqa will be about the women in the Islamic history.

The halaqa will take place separately for brothers and sisters on the 15th of February at 18:00 at the FNV building at Heerweg 120-6 in Groningen.

It will be held in Dutch, but non-speakers are more than welcome and will get an explanation of what is discussed in order to follow along easily. After the halaqa, there will be drinks and snacks in company of board games ?.

Interested to join us for a fun and educational evening? Use the following link to sign up:

We are looking forward to seeing you InshAllah! ☺️
