Bowling for brothers & sisters

Bowling for brothers & sisters

mei 25, 2023

Assalāmu ʿalaykum wa rahmatullāhi wa barakātuh,
The new academic year has started a while ago and we as ISVDeen hope you had a good start so far.
Now that you are all probably busy with your studies, we think it’s time to take a break from the books and join our bowling tournament!?

The bowling tournament will be held at separate days for brothers and sisters.
For brothers, the tournament will take place on Wednesday the 7th of December at 7pm.
For sister, it will take place on Thursdays the 8th on Thursday at 7pm.

Entry fee is €5 for members and for non-members €6.

This event will take place in the Bowlingcentrum in Groningen. The address is Gedempte Kattendiep 4.

Use the following link or the link in our bio to sign up. We will see you soon in sha Allah!
