ISV Deen Iftar 2023: Part 2

ISV Deen Iftar 2023: Part 2

mei 25, 2023

Assalāmu ʿalaykum wa rahmatullāhi wa barakātuh! ?

We have fantastic news! ? On April 8th, we are organizing the second ISV Deen iftar! ?

It will be an amazing evening full of fun and delicious food in sha Allah! ? We will start at 19:30 with a walk-in, followed by a halaqa which starts at 20:00. Make sure you are on time! ⏰

The entrance fee is only €3,-. The iftar will take place at the Bernlef Restaurant at Antaresstraat 45 in Groningen ?. There are only limited spots available, so sign up quickly via ?.

If you can’t make it after all, please send an email to to unregister (at least 24 hours in advance) ?.

We hope to see you all there! ?
