Halaqah: Gevaren van de tong

Halaqah: Gevaren van de tong

October 7, 2024

Assalamu ‘alaykum,

Join us for an enlightening Halaqah on ‘The Banes of the Tongue.’ Together, we will explore the profound impact our words can have in light of Islamic teachings, and how we can guard our speech to nurture our faith and relationships.

Date: October 16, 2024.
Time: Walk-in 18:00 | Halaqah 18:30.
Location: Studentencentrum USVA | Munnekeholm 10, 9711 JA Groningen.
Ticket prices: Free for members | €4 for non-members.

Both brothers and sisters are welcome! The halaqah will be presented in Dutch, with English translations available.

Don’t miss out on this insightful session! Register via svdeen.nl/aanmelden
