Halaqah: Imam Abu Hanifa (ra) & Imam Malik (ra)

Halaqah: Imam Abu Hanifa (ra) & Imam Malik (ra)

May 25, 2023

Assalāmu ʿalaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

Alhamdulillah, it’s finally time to announce our first halaqa of this year! The subject will be the 4 Imams of Islam and will be divided into 2 parts. The first halaqa will be focused on Imam Abu Hanifa (ra) & Imam Malik (ra). The second one will follow in January and will be focused on Imam As-Shafi’i (ra) and Imam Ahmed ibn Hanbal (ra).

The halaqa will be held in Dutch, but non-speakers are welcome and will get an explanation of what is discussed as well. After the halaqa, there will be drinks and snacks in company of board games! The halaqa will be held separately for brothers & sisters on the 22nd of December and will start at 18:30 at the FNV building at Hereweg 120 in Groningen.

Interested in joining us on this fun and educational evening? Please sign up at svdeen.nl/aanmelden and we will see each other soon inshaAllah!
