Halaqah: Roddelen, laster & gepraat

Halaqah: Roddelen, laster & gepraat

May 25, 2023

Assalamu ʿalaykum ??,

In a time of instantaneous communication, the rapid spread of information, whether it be true or false, and the ability to say anything, to anyone, from anywhere in the world, the topic of our next halaqah has never been more important.

Join us on the 25th of May at 18:00 to discuss the Islamic view on backbiting, slander and idle talk ?️.

The halaqah will be held in the FNV building, Hereweg 120-6 in Groningen; brothers and sisters will sit separately. The halaqah will be held in Dutch but non-Dutch speakers are more than welcome to attend and will receive a translated transcript in order to follow along.

This halaqah is completely free; drinks and snacks will be provided ? Will you join us? Sign up via svdeen.nl/aanmelden
