Halaqah: De kunst van de intentie

Halaqah: De kunst van de intentie

December 13, 2023

Assalamu ʿalaykum,

ISV Deen is delighted to delve into “The Art of Intention” in our upcoming halaqa. ☺️

The essence of niyyah, or intention, in Islam shapes sincerity and the merit of our actions. Before any act of worship, before any deed, our intentions set the stage for sincerity and acceptance. We’ll explore its deep-rooted theological importance and its practical applications in daily life. ?

For members, attendance is free, while non-members are invited with a contribution of €2,50. Though presented in Dutch, English translations will be available. And for everyone’s comfort, sessions are separate for brothers and sisters.

Join us in reflection and learning on the 24th of October, 18:30, at the FNV Building, Hereweg 120-6, Groningen. ✨

Sign up through svdeen.nl/aanmelden
